Wednesday, December 4, 2013


The de-humidifier is working wonders on our tiny, condensation soaked house! The windows have dried up. The outside walls are no longer wet. Wonderful. Of course, the temperatures have been above freezing, even last night, so that may make a difference. No fear though, we have another week of snow on the way, so we can continue to test the de-humidifier as time goes by.

And, doing more research on the Albuquerque area, it seems Kirkland Air Force Base has been up to its own no good, contaminating the environment for years, and allegedly ruining the water in the aquifer beneath the city. Another one for the US government. People--zero. Won't be moving down there. Let's disband the military already. Oh, yeah, we need them to keep the War on Terror alive and well as the US terrorizes the planet for the limited resources left.

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