Thursday, May 1, 2014


We just got another donation! Thank you anonymous donor and all the others too! That's four people that (with us) believe in the power of Hemp. Hemp is the future!

Hemp can be used for fuel, food, paper, clothing, plastic like material, building material (hempcrete), compost, soil rejuvenation, carbon seqestration, and.....

Please share our Hemp campaign with everyone you know. There is a lot of good information on the Indiegogo campaign page about the benefits of hemp. If you don't know, do a little research and find out the amazing good things that Hemp can do for humanity and the planet. I really do believe this plant will go a long way in saving us from our own destruction. We have to make the changes if we want to turn this thing around. If we want a livable planet for our children, we MUST act NOW!!! There is no more time. Every minute we put it off is another year lost on the future for the human race.

What can you do? Well, that's up to each individual. Recycle. Plant your own garden. Buy only local and organic. Stop shopping. Re-use and re-purpose. Barter. Keep your vacations local. Stop flying. Learn and teach others how to live sustainably.

Do some or all of the above, but do something. We are All One and we have this One Planet Earth to live on. Where else are you going to go?

Hemp it up! Support our campaign or support others who are moving forward in bringing this amazing plant back to the United States. This plant will turn our economy around! This plant will heal the Earth! This plant is one of the answers!

Please. And thank you. Bless all.

Love to all.

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